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weapon etc

  • 1 weapon

    سِلاح \ armament: often the weapons and equipment for war of an army, navy, etc. arms: weapons: Soldiers carry arms. weapon: an instrument for use in fighting (by striking, shooting etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > weapon

  • 2 weapon

    (any instrument or means which is used for one's own defence or for attacking others: Rifles, arrows, atom bombs and tanks are all weapons; The police are looking for the murder weapon; Surprise is our best weapon.) arma
    * * *
    [w'epən] n 1 arma (também fig), armamento. 2 Zool defesa (como garras, chifres, dentes, etc.).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > weapon

  • 3 personal weapon

    personligt vapen (vapen som en person använder (pistol, gevär etc.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > personal weapon

  • 4 shaft

    1) (of tool, golf club, spear) Schaft, der
    2) (Mech. Engin.) Welle, die
    3) (of cart or carriage) Deichsel, die
    4) (of mine, lift, etc.) Schacht, der
    * * *
    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) der Schaft
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) die Deichsel
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) die Welle
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) der Schacht
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) der Strahl
    * * *
    [ʃɑ:ft, AM ʃæft]
    I. n
    1. (hole) Schacht m
    lift [or AM elevator] \shaft Aufzugsschacht m
    ventilation [or air] \shaft Lüftungsschacht m
    well \shaft Brunnenschacht m
    to sink a \shaft einen Schacht abteufen
    2. (of tool) Schaft m; (of weapon) Schaft m
    \shaft of an arrow Pfeilschaft m
    3. (in engine) Welle f
    4. (ray) Strahl m
    \shaft of sunlight Sonnenstrahl m
    5. ( esp liter: witty remark) treffende Bemerkung, schlagende Antwort
    John came out with an unexpected \shaft of wisdom John wartete mit einer erstaunlich klugen Pointe auf
    a scornful \shaft Pfeil m des Spottes
    a \shaft of wit Seitenhieb m, geistreiche Spitze
    he demolished their arguments with devastating \shafts of wit er zerpflückte ihre Argumente mit vernichtenden satirischen Ausfällen
    6. ( poet: arrow) Pfeil m
    to get [or be given] the \shaft leer ausgehen, nicht bekommen, was einem zusteht
    II. vt
    to \shaft sb jdn betrügen [o über den Tisch ziehen]
    we were \shafted on that deal wir sind bei dem Deal regelrecht abgezockt worden fam
    to \shaft sb out of sth jdn um etw akk betrügen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Schaft m; (of tool, golf club etc) Stiel m; (of cart, carriage) Deichsel f; (of light) Strahl m; (MECH) Welle f; (liter = arrow) Pfeil m; (= spear) Speer m; (fig = remark) Spitze f
    2) (of lift, mine etc) Schacht m
    2. vt (sl)
    1) (= have sex with) stoßen (vulg)
    2) (= trick, cheat) aufs Kreuz legen (inf)
    * * *
    shaft [ʃɑːft; US ʃæft]
    A s
    1. (Pfeil- etc) Schaft m
    2. poet Pfeil m, Speer m:
    shafts of satire fig Pfeile des Spottes
    3. (Blitz-, Licht-, Sonnen) Strahl m
    4. a) Stiel m (eines Werkzeugs etc)
    b) Deichsel(arm) f(m)
    c) Welle f, Spindel f
    5. Fahnenstange f
    6. ARCH
    a) (Säulen) Schaft m
    b) Säule f
    c) Obelisk m
    7. (Aufzugs-, Bergwerks-, Hochofen- etc) Schacht m: academic.ru/67456/sink">sink B 4
    8. a) BOT Stamm m
    b) ZOOL Schaft m (einer Feder)
    9. US vulg Schwanz m (Penis)
    B v/t US sl bescheißen
    * * *
    1) (of tool, golf club, spear) Schaft, der
    2) (Mech. Engin.) Welle, die
    3) (of cart or carriage) Deichsel, die
    4) (of mine, lift, etc.) Schacht, der
    * * *
    Schacht -¨e m.
    Schaft -¨e m.
    Stiel -e m.
    Welle -n f.

    English-german dictionary > shaft

  • 5 shaft

    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) skaft
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) skaft
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) aksel
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) skakt; -skakt
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) stribe; stråle
    * * *
    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) skaft
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) skaft
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) aksel
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) skakt; -skakt
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) stribe; stråle

    English-Danish dictionary > shaft

  • 6 abliefern

    v/t (trennb., hat -ge-) (Waren) deliver ( bei to); (Arbeit, Aufsatz etc.) hand in (+ Dat to); in Eile: dash off; (Waffen) hand over, surrender; ich habe die Kinder zu Hause abgeliefert umg. I took the kids home
    * * *
    to deliver
    * * *
    vt sep
    (bei einer Person) to hand over (bei to); Examensarbeit auch to hand in; (bei einer Dienststelle) to hand in (bei to); (= liefern) to deliver (bei to); (inf) Kinder, Freundin to deposit (inf); (= nach Hause bringen) to take home
    * * *
    1. (abgeben)
    etw \abliefern (an Dritte) to hand over sth sep, to turn in sth sep
    2. (fam: einreichen)
    etw \abliefern Manuskript to hand in sth sep, to turn in sth sep
    etw [bei jdm] \abliefern to deliver sth [to sb]
    4. (hum fam: nach Hause bringen)
    jdn [bei jdm] \abliefern to hand sb over [to sb]
    * * *
    transitives Verb deliver < goods>; hand in <manuscript, examination paper, weapon, etc.>; (fig. ugs.) take/bring < person> (in/auf + Dat., bei to)
    * * *
    abliefern v/t (trennb, hat -ge-) (Waren) deliver (
    bei to); (Arbeit, Aufsatz etc) hand in (+dat to); in Eile: dash off; (Waffen) hand over, surrender;
    * * *
    transitives Verb deliver < goods>; hand in <manuscript, examination paper, weapon, etc.>; (fig. ugs.) take/bring < person> (in/auf + Dat., bei to)
    * * *
    to deliver v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > abliefern

  • 7 Х-56

    ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ХОД что VP subj: human usu. this WO
    1. ( usu. pfv) to set sth.
    usu. a factory, plant etc) operating
    X пустил Y в ход = X got (set) Y going (running).
    «Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся» (Залыгин 1). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО ( var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc) to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal
    X пустил в ход Y = X put Y to use
    X used (utilized) Y X made use of Y X brought Y into play (into service, into action) (in limited contexts) X set Y in motion X resorted to Y
    X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) - X turned on the (all his) charm
    X пустил в ход всё (все средства) - X used all possible (available) means
    X did everything in his power.
    У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
    «Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается» (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
    Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть» (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
    Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
    Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавел ой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, (Чернышевский) сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he (Chernyshevski) at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
    (Юлия:) Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пущу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). (J.:) The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.: X пустил в ход Y = X put Y in(to) circulation
    X brought Y into widespread use X started Y.
    «Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!» (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
    Кто пустил его (Самиздат) в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it (samizdat), nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Х-56

  • 8 пускать в дело

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пускать в дело

  • 9 пускать в ход

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пускать в ход

  • 10 пустить в дело

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пустить в дело

  • 11 пустить в ход

    [VP; subj: human; usu. this WO]
    1. [usu. pfv]
    to set sth. (usu. a factory, plant etc) operating:
    - X пустил Y в ход X got (set) Y going (running).
         ♦ "Он временно принял директорство над филиалом. На весь наладочный период. Пустит машину в ход, подготовит директора из местных и только тогда вернётся" (Залыгин I). "He's taken on temporary directorship of the branch till it gets started properly. He'll set things running, train a local man as director, and won't come back till he's done it" (1a).
    2. Also: ПУСКАТЬ/ПУСТИТЬ В ДЕЛО [var. with дело is used in refer, to a tool, weapon etc]
    to employ or start to employ (some means, device, instrument etc) in order to achieve one's goal:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y to use;
    - X brought Y into play (into service, into action);
    - [in limited contexts] X set Y in motion;
    || X пустил в ход своё обаяние (все свои чары и т. п.) X turned on the (all his) charm;
    - X did everything in his power.
         ♦ У них есть оружие. Они пустят его в ход (Аксёнов 6). They have weapons. They are going to put them to use (6a).
         ♦ "Эндурцы испокон веков ядами промышляют. Они с такой хитростью яды пускают в ход - ни один прокурор не подкопается" (Искандер 5). "The Endurskies have dealt in poisons since time immemorial. They're so sly about using poisons that no prosecutor has ever trapped them" (5a)
         ♦ " Я... пустил в ход величайшее и незыблемое средство к покорению женского сердца, средство, которое никогда и никого не обманет и которое действует решительно на всех до единой, без всякого исключения. Это средство известное - лесть" (Достоевский 3). "I...brought into play the greatest and most reliable of all instruments for the subjugation of the female heart, the instrument that never fails, that works on absolutely every single woman without exception. This instrument is well-known: flattery" (3a).
         ♦ Испуганные буржуа травили революцию, как дикого зверя; все было пушено в ход: клевета и слезоточивые газы, демагогия и тюрьмы (Эренбург 4). The terrified bourgeois hunted down the revolution like a wild animal. Every weapon was brought into service: slander and tear-gas, demagogy and imprisonment (4a).
         ♦...Пуская в ход весь аппарат своей поржавелой, скрипучей, но всё такой же извилистой логики, [Чернышевский] сначала мотивировал свою досаду тем, что его считают вором, желавшим наживать капитал, а затем объяснял, что гнев его был, собственно, напоказ, ради Ольги Сократовны... (Набоков 1)....Setting in motion the whole apparatus of his logic - rusty, creaky but still as wriggly as ever, he [Chemyshevski] at first justified his ire by the fact that he was being taken for a thief who wished to acquire capital, and then explained that his anger was actually only a sham for Olga Sokratovna's sake., (1a).
         ♦ [Юлия:] Сейчас сюда приедет министр финансов, и я пушу в ход все свои чары и узнаю, что они затевают (Шварц 3). [J.:] The Minister of Finance will be here any minute, and I'll turn on all my charm and find out what they're cooking up (3a).
    3. to introduce sth. into general, common usage, promote the dissemination of sth.:
    - X пустил в ход Y X put Y in(to) circulation;
    - X started Y.
         ♦ "Ты представляешь, какие откроются перспективы, если пустить твоё открытие в ход!" (Аксёнов 6). "Just imagine what prospects could open up if your discovery were to be put into circulation!" (6a).
         ♦ Кто пустил его [Самиздат] в ход, неизвестно, как он работает, понять нельзя... (Мандельштам 2). Who started it [samizdat], nobody knows, and the way it works is beyond our comprehension... (2a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > пустить в ход

  • 12 यम्

    cl. 1. P. Dhātup. XXIII, 15 ;

    yácchati (Ved. alsoᅠ - te, andᅠ Ved. ep. yámati, - te;
    pf. yayāma, yeme;
    2. sg. yayantha, 3. pl. yemúḥ, yemiré RV. etc. etc.;
    3. du. irreg. - yamatuḥ RV. V, 67, 1 ;
    aor. áyān, áyamuh;
    Impv. yaṉsi, yandhí;
    Pot. yamyās, yamīmahi RV. ;
    áyāṉsam, ayāṉsi, áyaṉsta Subj. yaṉsat, - satas, - sate ib. Br. ;
    3. sg. - yámishṭa RV. V, 32, 7 ;
    ayaṉsisham Gr.;
    fut. yantā ib. ;
    yaṉsyati, yamishyati Br. etc. inf. yántum, yamitum ib. ;
    yántave, yámitavaí RV. ;
    ind. p. yatvā, yamitvā MBh. Kāv. etc.;
    yátya AV. Br. ;
    - yamya GṛṠrS. ;
    - yámam RV. Br.), to sustain, hold, hold up, support (Ā. « one's self» ;
    with loc. « to be founded on») RV. Br. ChUp. ;
    to raise, wield (a weapon etc.;
    Ā. with āyudhaih, « to brandish weapons») RV. ;
    to raise, extend orᅠ hold (as a screen etc.) over (dat.) RV. ;
    (Ā.) to extend one's self before (dat.) AitBr. ;
    to raise (the other scale), weigh more ṠBr. ;
    to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show RV. ;
    to hold orᅠ keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control ib. etc. etc.;
    to offer;
    confer, grant, bestow on (dat. orᅠ loc.), present with (instr.) RV. etc. etc.;
    (with mārgam), to make way for (gen.) MBh. ;
    (with prati andᅠ abl.), to give anything in exchange for anything Kāṡ. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 11 ;
    (Ā.) to give one's self up to, be faithful to, obey (dat.) RV. ;
    to raise, utter (a sound etc.) ib. ;
    to fix, establish ib. ;
    (Ā.) to be firm, not budge RV. ;
    to catch fire TBr. ( Sch.):
    Pass. yamyáte (aor. áyā-mī), to be raised orᅠ lifted up orᅠ held back orᅠ restrained RV. etc. etc.:
    Caus. yāmayati ( AV.), yamayati ( Br. etc.;
    - te MBh. ;
    aor. ayīyamat), to restrain, hold in, control, keep orᅠ put in order:
    Desid. yiyaṉsati, to wish to restrain etc. Br.:
    Intens. yaṉyamīti ( seeᅠ ud-yam) orᅠ yaṉyamyate (Pāṇ. 7-4, 85, Vartt. 2 Pat.) ;
    + cf. Gk. ζημία, « restraint, punishment»

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > यम्

  • 13 test

    1) (examination) (Sch.) Klassenarbeit, die; (Univ.) Klausur, die; (short examination) Test, der

    put somebody/something to the test — jemanden/etwas erproben

    2) (critical inspection, analysis) Test, der
    3) (basis for evaluation) Prüfstein, der
    4) (Cricket) Testmatch, das
    2. transitive verb
    1) (examine, analyse) untersuchen [Wasser, Gehör, Augen]; testen [Gehör, Augen, Produkt]; prüfen [Schüler]; überprüfen [Hypothese, Aussage, Leitungen]
    2) (try severely) auf die Probe stellen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/92598/test_out">test out
    * * *
    [test] 1. noun
    1) (a set of questions or exercises intended to find out a person's ability, knowledge etc; a short examination: an arithmetic/driving test.) die Prüfung
    2) (something done to find out whether a thing is good, strong, efficient etc: a blood test.) die Probe
    3) (an event, situation etc that shows how good or bad something is: a test of his courage.) der Test
    4) (a way to find out if something exists or is present: a test for radioactivity.) die Untersuchung
    5) (a test match.) der Vergleichskampf
    2. verb
    (to carry out a test or tests on (someone or something): The students were tested on their French; They tested the new aircraft.) prüfen
    - test match
    - test pilot
    - test-tube
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (of knowledge, skill) Prüfung f, Test m; SCH Klassenarbeit f; UNIV Klausur f
    aptitude \test Eignungstest m
    driving \test Fahrprüfung f
    IQ \test Intelligenztest m
    oral/practical/written \test mündliche/praktische/schriftliche Prüfung
    to fail a \test eine Prüfung nicht bestehen
    to give sb a \test jdn prüfen
    I'll give the kids a vocabulary \test today ich lasse die Kinder heute einen Vokabeltest schreiben
    to pass a \test eine Prüfung bestehen
    to take a \test einen Test [o eine Prüfung] machen
    2. MED, SCI (examination) Untersuchung f, Test m
    I'm going to have an eye \test tomorrow ich lasse mir morgen die Augen untersuchen
    blood \test Blutuntersuchung f
    pregnancy \test Schwangerschaftstest m
    urine \test Urinprobe f
    to do [or perform] [or carry out] a \test eine Untersuchung durchführen
    to have a \test sich akk untersuchen lassen, sich akk einer Untersuchung unterziehen geh
    3. (of metallurgy) Versuchstiegel m, Kapelle f
    4. (of efficiency) Test m
    safety \test Sicherheitsprüfung f, Sicherheitstest m
    to undergo a \test sich akk einem Test unterziehen
    5. (challenge) Herausforderung f, Prüfung f fig
    to be a real \test of sth eine echte Herausforderung für etw akk sein, etw auf eine harte Probe stellen
    that was a real \test of his endurance das war für ihn eine wirkliche Belastungsprobe
    to put sth to the \test etw auf die Probe stellen
    T\test [match] Testmatch nt
    the acid \test die Feuerprobe
    to stand the \test of time die Zeit überdauern
    II. vt
    1. (for knowledge, skill)
    to \test sb jdn prüfen [o testen]
    I expect they will want to \test my shorthand and typing ich denke, man wird mich in Steno und Schreibmaschine prüfen
    2. (try to discover)
    to \test sth etw untersuchen [o geh erkunden]
    we should \test the parents' reaction before we go ahead with the changes wir sollten erst einmal die Reaktion der Eltern abwarten, bevor wir weitere Änderungen vornehmen
    3. (check performance)
    to \test sth etw testen [o überprüfen
    4. (for medical purposes)
    to \test sth etw untersuchen
    I was \tested for HIV before I gave blood vor dem Blutspenden wurde ich auf Aids untersucht
    to \test sb's blood eine Blutuntersuchung durchführen
    to \test sb's eyes jds Augen untersuchen
    to \test sb's hearing jds Hörvermögen testen
    5. SCH
    to \test sth etw abfragen [o prüfen]
    to \test sb jdn prüfen
    to \test sb's IQ [or intelligence] jds IQ testen
    to \test sth SCI etw testen [o untersuchen]
    how can we \test the presence of oxygen in this sample? wie können wir den Sauerstoffgehalt in dieser Probe ermitteln?
    they \tested the strength of the acid samples sie analysierten die Konzentration der Säureproben
    6. (try to prove)
    to \test sth etw überprüfen
    to \test a theory eine Theorie zu beweisen versuchen
    to \test sth (by touching) etw prüfen; (by tasting) etw probieren [o geh kosten]
    she \tested the water by dipping her toes into the pool sie testete mit ihren Zehen die Wassertemperatur im Becken
    8. (try to the limit)
    to \test sb/sth jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen
    to \test the patience of a saint [or of Job] eine harte Geduldsprobe sein
    those kids' behaviour would \test the patience of Job bei diesen Kindern muss man wirklich eine Engelsgeduld haben
    to \test the water(s) die Stimmung testen
    III. vi MED einen Test machen
    she \tested positive for HIV ihr Aidstest ist positiv ausgefallen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (SCH) Klassenarbeit f; (UNIV) Klausur f; (short) Kurzarbeit f, Test m; (= intelligence test, psychological test etc) Test m; (= driving test) (Fahr)prüfung f

    he gave them a vocabulary tester ließ eine Vokabel- or Wörterarbeit schreiben; (orally) er hat sie Vokabeln abgefragt

    to put sb/sth to the test — jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen

    that was a real test of character/his endurance — das war eine wirkliche Charakterprüfung/Belastungsprobe für ihn

    2) (on vehicle, product, weapon etc) Test m; (= check) Kontrolle f
    3) (= chemical test) Test m, Untersuchung f

    to do a test for sugar — einen Zuckertest machen, eine Untersuchung auf Zucker machen

    = test match
    2. adj attr
    3. vt
    1) (= examine, check) testen, prüfen; (SCH) pupil prüfen; (orally) abfragen; person, intelligence testen; (fig) auf die Probe stellen

    the teacher tested them on that chapter —

    to test sb/sth for accuracy — jdn/etw auf Genauigkeit prüfen

    I just wanted to test your reactionich wollte nur mal sehen, wie du reagierst

    have you been tested? (for AIDS etc)hast du dich testen lasen?, hast du einen Test gemacht?

    2) (chemically) gold prüfen; water, contents of stomach etc untersuchen
    4. vi
    Tests/einen Test machen; (chemically also) untersuchen (for auf +acc)

    testing, testing one, two, three! —

    we are testing for a gas leak/loose connection — wir überprüfen die Leitung auf eine undichte Stelle, wir überprüfen, ob irgendwo Gas austritt/ein Anschluss locker ist

    * * *
    test1 [test]
    A s
    1. allg, auch TECH Probe f, Versuch m, Test m
    2. a) Prüfung f, Untersuchung f, Stichprobe f
    b) fig Probe f, Prüfung f:
    a severe test eine strenge Prüfung, fig eine harte Probe;
    put to the test auf die Probe stellen;
    put to the test of experience praktisch erproben;
    stand the test die Probe bestehen, ( auch stand the test of time) sich bewähren;
    test of nerves Nervenprobe;
    test of strength Kraftprobe; crucial 1
    3. Prüfstein m, Prüfungsmaßstab m, Kriterium n:
    4. SCHULE, PSYCH Test m, (Eignungs-, Leistungs) Prüfung f
    5. MED (Blut- etc) Probe f, Test m
    6. CHEM
    a) Analyse f
    b) Reagens n
    c) Nachweis m, Prüfbefund m
    7. METALL
    a) Versuchstiegel m, Kapelle f
    b) Treibherd m
    8. Probebohrung f (nach Öl)
    9. test match
    10. Br HIST Testeid m:
    Test Act Testakte f (Gesetz von 1673);
    take the test den Testeid leisten
    B v/t
    1. ( for sth auf etwas [hin]) prüfen ( auch SCHULE) oder untersuchen, erproben, einer Prüfung unterziehen, testen ( alle auch TECH):
    test out ausprobieren;
    test sth with ( oder on) etwas testen an (dat)
    2. a) einen Torhüter testen, auf die Probe stellen, jemandes Geduld etc auch auf eine harte Probe stellen:
    don’t test my patience! meine Geduld ist gleich zu Ende!
    b) Reifen etc beanspruchen
    3. SCHULE, PSYCH etc jemanden testen
    4. CHEM analysieren
    5. ELEK eine Leitung prüfen, abfragen
    6. MATH die Probe machen auf (akk)
    7. MIL etc ein Gewehr etc auch anschießen
    C adj Probe…, Versuchs…, Prüf(ungs)…, Test…:
    test circuit ELEK Messkreis m;
    test drive AUTO Probefahrt f;
    test flight FLUG Probe-, Testflug m;
    test run TECH Probelauf m (einer Maschine etc);
    test track AUTO Teststrecke f
    test2 [test] s
    1. ZOOL harte Schale (von Mollusken etc)
    2. testa
    double-blind experiment ( double-blind experiment oder test) s PHARM, PSYCH Doppelblindversuch m
    * * *
    1) (examination) (Sch.) Klassenarbeit, die; (Univ.) Klausur, die; (short examination) Test, der

    put somebody/something to the test — jemanden/etwas erproben

    2) (critical inspection, analysis) Test, der
    3) (basis for evaluation) Prüfstein, der
    4) (Cricket) Testmatch, das
    2. transitive verb
    1) (examine, analyse) untersuchen [Wasser, Gehör, Augen]; testen [Gehör, Augen, Produkt]; prüfen [Schüler]; überprüfen [Hypothese, Aussage, Leitungen]
    2) (try severely) auf die Probe stellen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Probe -n f.
    Prüfung -en f.
    Test -s m.
    Untersuchung f. v.
    prüfen v.

    English-german dictionary > test

  • 14 shaft

    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) mango
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) vara
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) eje
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) hueco, pozo
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) rayo
    1 (of axe, tool, golf club) mango; (of arrow) astil nombre masculino; (of lance, spear) asta; (of cart) vara
    2 SMALLARCHITECTURE/SMALL fuste nombre masculino
    3 SMALLTECHNICAL/SMALL eje nombre masculino
    4 (of mine) pozo; (of lift) hueco
    5 (of light) rayo
    shaft ['ʃæft] n
    1) : asta f (de una lanza), astil m (de una flecha), mango m (de una herramienta)
    2) or mine shaft : pozo m
    asta s.f.
    astil s.m.
    barra s.f.
    dardo s.m.
    eje s.m.
    flecha s.f.
    fuste s.m.
    lanza (del carro) s.f.
    mango s.m.
    pozo s.m.
    rayo de luz s.m.
    vara s.f.
    árbol (Eje) s.m.

    I ʃæft, ʃɑːft
    a) (of arrow, spear) asta f‡, astil m; (of hammer, ax) mango m; ( of cart) vara f
    b) ( of light) rayo m
    2) ( Mech Eng) eje m
    3) ( of elevator) hueco m; ( of mine) pozo m, tiro m

    transitive verb (AmE sl)
    a) ( betray) \<\<person\>\> joder (vulg)
    b) ( fire) echar, darle* la patada a (arg)
    1. N
    1) (=stem, handle) [of arrow, spear] astil m ; [of tool, golf club etc] mango m ; [of cart etc] vara f

    drive shaft — (Tech) árbol m motor

    2) [of mine, lift etc] pozo m
    VT *** (=have sex with) joder ***
    * * *

    I [ʃæft, ʃɑːft]
    a) (of arrow, spear) asta f‡, astil m; (of hammer, ax) mango m; ( of cart) vara f
    b) ( of light) rayo m
    2) ( Mech Eng) eje m
    3) ( of elevator) hueco m; ( of mine) pozo m, tiro m

    transitive verb (AmE sl)
    a) ( betray) \<\<person\>\> joder (vulg)
    b) ( fire) echar, darle* la patada a (arg)

    English-spanish dictionary > shaft

  • 15 رأس

    رَأْس \ apex, apexes or apices: the highest point. head: the part of the body that is above the neck; the top of sth. (a list, a nail, etc.); the effective part of a tool (an axe, a hammer, etc.). top: the highest point or part: a mountain top; at the top of the tall building. \ بِالرَّأس \ headfirst: with the head before the body: He jumped headfirst through the window. \ الرَّأْسُ أولاً \ headfirst: with the head before the body: He jumped headfirst through the window. headlong: (only with to fall) headfirst: He fell headlong down the stairs. \ رَأْسُ البَرّ \ cape: a point of land that sticks out into the sea: The Cape of Good hope. headland: a point of land that sticks out into the sea. \ رَأْسُ الفِتْنة \ ringleader: the leader of a group of wrongdoers. \ رَأْسُ المَال \ capital: the whole wealth of a person or company: The company has a capital of $90,000. \ رَأْسُ مَال (مؤسسة علمية، إلخ)‏ \ foundation: money, etc., given to help a school, etc., when it is set up. \ رَأْسٌ مُدَبَّب \ point: a sharp end (of a nail, pencil, weapon, etc.).

    Arabic-English dictionary > رأس

  • 16 shaft

    1) (the long straight part or handle of a tool, weapon etc: the shaft of a golf-club.) cabo
    2) (one of two poles on a cart etc to which a horse etc is harnessed: The horse stood patiently between the shafts.) varal
    3) (a revolving bar transmitting motion in an engine: the driving-shaft.) eixo
    4) (a long, narrow space, made for eg a lift in a building: a liftshaft; a mineshaft.) poço
    5) (a ray of light: a shaft of sunlight.) raio
    * * *
    [ʃa:ft, ʃæft] n 1 cabo, haste. 2 flecha, seta, lança, dardo. 3 raio, feixe de luz. 4 lança, varal (de carro puxado a cavalo). 5 coluna, fuste de coluna. 6 mastro (de bandeira). 7 Mech eixo, fuso, árvore. 8 cabo (de martelo, etc.). 9 haste, caule, tronco. 10 poço, escavação vertical, entrada de mina, chaminé. 11 cabo de pena. 12 cuba de alto-forno. • vt sl tratar de maneira desonesta. elevator shaft Brit/ lift shaft Amer poço do elevador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shaft

  • 17 strike\ up

    1. I
    the band struck up оркестр заиграл
    2. III
    strike up smth. /smth. up/
    1) strike smb.'s sword (gun, the weapon, etc.) up выбивать шпагу и т.д.
    2) semiaux strike up a conversation (an acquaintance, etc.) завязать разговор и т.д.; the two of them struck up a friendship эти двое подружились; strike up a tune (the national anthem, etc.) заиграть /начать играть/ мелодию и т.д.
    3. XXI1
    strike up smth. with smb. strike up a conversation with strangers (a deal with them, etc.) завязать разговор с незнакомыми людьми и т.д.; strike up smth. between smth. strike up friendship between nations устанавливать дружеские отношения между народами

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > strike\ up

  • 18 σῐδηρος

    Grammatical information: m. (f. Nic. Th. 923)
    Meaning: `iron, steel', also `iron tool, sword, iron weapon etc.', metaph. `(iron) toughness' (Il.).
    Other forms: Dor. -ᾱρος.
    Compounds: Compp., e.g. σιδηρό-φρων `iron-minded' (A., E.), σιδηρο-κόντρα f. `hunting spear' (Gortyn, Sagalassos; Zingerle Glotta 19, 80ff.), ὁλο-σίδηρος `made completely of iron' (Attika, Delos a. o.).
    Derivatives: (Dor. forms not esp. indicated): Subst. 1. σιδήρ-ιον n. `iron tool' (IA., Cret.); 2. - ίσκος m. des. of a medic. instrument (Crete V--IVa; as ὀβελίσκος a. o.; Chantraine Form. 408); 3. - εῖα, - εῖον n. `iron mine' (Arist., Delos etc.); 4. - εύς m. `iron smith' (X. a.o.; Bosshardt 56); 5. - ίτης m., - ῖτις f. `made of iron, iron' (Pi., Eup. a. o.), also name of a stone (Plin., Orph. a.o.) and several plants, "vervain" (J., Dsc. a. o.; as healing wounds by stabbing, s. Strömberg Pfl.namen 89, Redard 61, 76 etc. [s. index]). Adj. 6. - ε(ι)ος, - οῦς, - ιος `iron' (Il.); 7. - ήεις `id.' (Nic.), - όεις (EM), - εόεις (Ep. Alex. Adesp.); 8. - ώδης `id.' (sch.). Verbs; 9. - όομαι, - όω `to be provided with i.' (Th., inscr. etc.) with - ωσις f. `ironwork' (Att. inscr. a. o.), - ώματα n. pl. `iron mountings' (pap. Vp), - ωτός `to stud with i.' ( Edict. Diocl.); 10. - εύω `to work with i., to forge' (Poll.) with - εία f. `ironwork' (X.); 11. - ίζω `to resemble i., to contain i.' (medic.).
    Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably]
    Etymology: Unexplained. As iron and use of it reached the Greeks prob. from Asia Minor, the Pontus and Caucasus area, the word prob. came the same way. The similarity with Caucas. (Udian) zido `iron' is therefore perh. not accidental; it is also possible that zido was a loan from σίδηρος. -- The old connection with Lat. sīdus `constellation' (Pott) A. W. Persson tried (s. Kretschmer Glotta 26, 64) to give a new foundation assuming, that σίδηρος orig. referred to meteoric iron. Still diff. Deroy Ant. class. 31, 98 ff. (with further very bold combinations): prop. "the red metall" and with σίδη `pomegranate' from pregr. * sida `red'. Crepajac too KZ 80, 249ff. believes in connection with σίδη, but as Illyr. LW [loanword] (IE *su̯eid- 'gleam, be red'). -- Further lit. on σίδηρος and to the other IE words for `iron' in Schrader-Nehring Reallex. 1, 234ff. -- Furnée 105 n. connects Udian zido and thinks the word is Pre-Greek.
    Page in Frisk: 2,703-704

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > σῐδηρος

  • 19 أطلق

    أَطْلَقَ \ give off: send out (smoke, smell, etc.): A fire of wet wood gives off a lot of smoke. grow: let grow; not cut: He’s growing his hair. launch: send off (a space machine, a weapon, etc.) into the air. let go: not hold any longer: Hold this rope tight and don’t let go (or let it go or let go of it). Don’t let go the rope till I tell you. let sth. off: allow (smoke, steam, etc.) to escape; fire (sth. explosive): Don’t let off your gun so near the house. \ أَطْلَقَ سَراح \ discharge: let (sb.) go (from hospital, because he is better; from court, because the charge is not proved; etc.). free: let go; make free. let free, let loose: set free or loose: Don’t let your dog loose among the sheep. let sb. off: not to punish; (with with) punish lightly: He let me off because I told the truth. The judge let him off with a severe warning, instead of sending him to prison. release: to set free; unfasten: He was released from prison today. \ أَطْلَقَ صَرْخَةً طويلة حادّة \ squeal: to make a long loud high cry, like a frightened pig. \ أَطْلَقَ صَيْحة أَلَم أو دَهْشَة \ yell: to give a yell. \ أَطْلَقَ النار \ discharge: to fire (a gun). fire: to shoot: They fired (their guns) at the enemy. We could hear the guns firing. \ أَطْلَقَ النار أو السَّهْم \ shoot: to fire, with a gun or a bow; to strike (sb. or sth.) by firing: I shot an arrow into the air. He raised his hands and cried, ‘Don’t shoot!. He shot me in the leg. I shot him dead (I shot him and he died at once).

    Arabic-English dictionary > أطلق

  • 20 Р-298

    HE С РУКИ кому PrepP Invar subj-compl with бытье used without negation to convey the opposite meaning)
    1. ( subj: infin) (in refer, to actions that require the use of a tool, instrument, weapon etc) it is difficult or impossible for s.o. to do sth. (because he is holding the tool etc that he is using in an uncomfortable position): делать X Y-y не с руки = it is uncomfortable (difficult) for Y to do X
    Y cannot do X (in limited contexts) Y is out of position (Y isn't positioned right) to do (for) X.
    Опусти пилу пониже, мне не с руки держать её так высоко. Lower the saw a little bit. It's uncomfortable for me to hold it up so high.
    Австриец бежал вдоль решётки, Григорию не с руки было рубить, он, перевесившись с седла, косо держа шашку, опустил её на висок австрийца (Шолохов 2). The Austrian was keeping close to the railing and Grigory was out of position for a slash. Leaning out of his saddle he held the sabre at an angle and let it fall on the Austrian's temple (2a).
    2. ( subj: infin or abstr, often это) the given time or circumstances are not appropriate, convenient etc for s.o. to do sth.: делать X Y-y не с руки — it is inconvenient for Y to do X
    it's not a good idea for Y to do X (in refer, to an inopportune moment) X is coming at the wrong time (at a bad time) it's not the right (a good) time for Y to do X (in limited contexts) Y cannot spare the time to do X.
    Так было с Францией - вдруг (Сергей) сказал, что исчезло всякое желание ехать: «Мне сейчас не с руки» (Трифонов 3)....He (Sergei) had decided against the trip to France. He suddenly announced that he had lost all desire to go: "I can't spare the time right now" (3a)
    3. ( subj: usu. abstr or infin) sth. is not acceptable or agreeable to s.o.: X (делать X) Y-y не с руки - X (doing X) doesn't suit (appeal to) Y
    it doesn't suit (appeal to) Y to do X. "Я не поеду», - решительно заявил Митька. «Ты что? -Христоня нахмурился... - Отбиваешься от своих? Не с руки?» (Шолохов 3). "I won't go," Mitka said decidedly. "What's the idea?" Khristonya frowned...."Are you breaking away from your own pals? Don't they suit you now?" (3a).
    «Меня и в город зовут, да не с руки мне там, и соблазна много» (Максимов 3). ( context transl) "I've had offers in the town, but it isn't really what I'm looking for, and there would be too many temptations" (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-298

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Weapon — Weap on (w[e^]p [u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS. w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen, D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn, Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain origin. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weapon salve — Weapon Weap on (w[e^]p [u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS. w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen, D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn, Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain origin. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weapon dance — The weapon dance employs weapons or stylized versions of weapons traditionally used in combat in order to simulate, recall, or reenact combat or the moves of combat in the form of dance, usually for some ceremonial purpose. Such dancing is quite… …   Wikipedia

  • Weapon — For other uses, see Weapon (disambiguation). See military technology and equipment for a comprehensive list of weapons and doctrines. Warfare Military history Eras …   Wikipedia

  • weapon — weap|on W2S2 [ˈwepən] n [: Old English; Origin: wApen] 1.) something that you use to fight with or attack someone with, such as a knife, bomb, or gun nuclear/chemical/biological/atomic etc weapons ▪ The police are still looking for the murder… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Weapon of mass destruction — For the Hip hop album, see Weapons of Mass Destruction (album). Weapons of mass destruction …   Wikipedia

  • weapon — /ˈwɛpən / (say wepuhn) noun 1. any instrument for use in attack or defence in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, cannon, bomb, etc. 2. anything serving as an instrument for making or repelling an attack: the deadly weapon of meekness. 3 …  

  • weapon — noun (C) 1 something that you use to fight with, such as a knife, bomb, or gun: The crowd picked up sticks and bottles to use as weapons. | lethal weapon (=one that can kill) 2 a type of behaviour, knowledge of a particular subject etc that you… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • weapon — weap·on || wepÉ™n n. instrument for use in attack or defense in combat (i.e. sword, gun, claws, etc.); any means used to fight with (i.e. skill, wit, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • personal weapon — weapon that belongs to a private individual (i.e. pistol, rifle, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

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